Age:16 Months
Stats: 25 lbs. (80th percentile), 31 inches (60th percentile)
Clothes: Wearing size 12-18 month mostly, although I have to roll up pant legs since they're a little long. Lucky for us it is summer right now, she can wear a broad range of sizes in dresses, like this cute one below!
Stats: 25 lbs. (80th percentile), 31 inches (60th percentile)
Clothes: Wearing size 12-18 month mostly, although I have to roll up pant legs since they're a little long. Lucky for us it is summer right now, she can wear a broad range of sizes in dresses, like this cute one below!
Favorite Foods: Strawberries, Watermelon, Chicken, Bananas & Pasta
Favorite Words: Nana (banana), Pup-pup and Puppy (obsessed with animals, all of which are referred to as puppies) & Shut (demands that we shut all doors & cabinets if they are left open).
Favorite Activities: Wagon Rides (we love love love our Radio Flyer Wagon, especially for walks to the pool, where it doubles as a beach bag & cooler!). Playing with straws/cups, I got a set of four small plastic cups in the dollar section of Target along with a big box of neon colored straws. We organize them by color & then she goes to town moving them all around, putting them in & out of the cups. This entertains her for longer than most of her other toys, especially as a good high chair activity. Reading. Coloring on the chalkboard wall. Watching Noggin videos, puppy videos & Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (and sometimes CMT). Climbing on the couch & chairs. Hiding in her teepee. Eating popsicles.
Least Favorite Activities: Diaper changes & anything that involves her laying/being still.
Favorite Things
Brown Bear, Brown Bear
. She has always loved this book, but the colors, words & pictures must really set it apart. She always picks this book & even kisses the kids faces on the last page.
B. One Two Squeeze Blocks
. We always come back to these, she is just now at the stage where she can really stack them or line them up on the window sill. She also likes to carry them around on a book like a tray, no clue why.
Beaba Utensils
. The only ones she can grip well. We are teaching her to use a spoon/fork right now, it is a hot mess of course, but totally cute. Also, she's a lefty! :)
Elastic Hair Ties. You can really find these just about anywhere, I have tons of them & Harper LOVES to wear them as bracelets. She puts them all on her arms & takes them off a million times. Once she sees me wearing them in my hair or on my wrist, she instantly wants to play with them.
Shapes Puzzle
. We just got this & she loves playing with it! It is so fun teaching her colors & shapes and watching her try to put them in the right spots. I keep this toy put away & only get it out when we are going to play together with it, otherwise it would just disappear among the rest of her things. A fun, cute learning toy for sure!
Brush Buddies Cow Toothbrush
. Harper is obsessed with brushing her teeth. I like this toothbrush because it has a lid & the bristles are soft. Plus she loves to see the end pop up before she gets to use it.
Water Table
. This is a must for toddlers, endless entertainment. It's messy but well worth it if you plan to spend any time outside! :)
Signature Moves: Fake laughing, smelling her feet & blowing kisses at everyone. She also still has killer dance moves, she does the shoulder lean like a boss.
Mom's Proudest Moment: Not noticing when she started chugging my iced coffee at the park. Well done, mama. #strawninja
Dad's Proudest Moment: Dad let her Although we all know this moment takes the cake for us being parents of the year.
Bubble Dress
Other Milestones: Harper can fully understand sentences & things that we say. It BLOWS. MY. MIND. When I say "Go get your baby doll, it is in the stroller!" She jumps up, runs to her stroller & brings it back, yelling "bah-bee!" Either she is saying baby, or she named her baby, Bobby.
She sleeps like a champ, 8pm-8am with one two hour nap in the middle of the day. Sometimes she wakes up in the middle of the night chatting to herself, but always falls back to sleep on her own.
She runs, pretty much skips & can almost do a somersault.
AND she knows where her nose is. Total genius.
PS. I know I said it last time, but this is definitely our favorite age so far! :)
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