Weigh-in #14 (Post-Turkey-and-Pie-Fest!)

Back home from our family visit and Thanksgiving.

(This year, Thanks-giving has been really meaningful -- 
after watching God move me through all that He has.)

while I DID NOT make my goal before Thanksgiving.
(Close but no cigar!)
I just need to give a huge shout out to breastfeeding --
I mean, seriously, 
when can you eat 7 pieces of pie in an weekend, and not gain a pound?

I thought the answer to that question was 

But I have proved it possible.
Actually I proved possible that:
 eating 7 pieces of pie,
endlessly little-finger-sized-dessert snacking,
and eating till it hurts for basically every meal during a three day span
can all be cause for a 
weight in.
All from the magic of breastfeeding!

I'm pretty shocked

I was so ready to come home and tell you about how I now have gained 6 pounds on top of the one I have left to lose still.

*Ok, so I'm not condoning eating 7 pieces of pie in one weekend. Actually, aside from the tasting part, it was a rather uncomfortable experience, as I felt insanely full and sluggish all weekend long. And I probably looked like I was pregnant again, with a Turkey-and-Pie Baby, with my mommy-tummy stuck out from the eating bonanza. So it doesn't come highly recommended. But I just have to be honest.
That's what I did this weekend.

back in the game now.
Gotta get this last pound off.
(I'm going to be in seriously terrible pie withdrawal!! Eek!)

Oh and speaking of pie,
the dairy free version I made for Jasmine,
was great!
You would have never known it was any different from any other pumpkin pie out there.
I was impressed!
Jasmine, however, not so much.
(Kinda like I expected.)
She took one bite, squinted up her face, and didn't want any more of that!
Oh well,
I didn't mind.
I felt I fulfilled my mommy duties of providing the ability to eat Thanksgiving Pumpkin Pie.
She basically lived off of mashed potatoes the whole weekend long.
My mother-in-law just beat some chicken stock into them instead of milk and butter. Genius! And delicious!


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