We Give Books

Have you heard of "We Give Books"?

I just discovered it off Pinterest .

Holy Cow is this a cool website!

It is a website full of a large, and ever-growing, library of kids' picture books that you can read online FOR FREE! 

The books are deemed appropriate for ages 0-10.

You do need to sign up for an account to access most the books, but its totally free.

Jasmine (2.5 yrs old) LOVES it!!

She asks, "Can we read books on tomputer?"

I love it because, 
well, let me count the ways...

First of all... so much easier than getting two tiny kids to the library, and back, in the cold. And no late fees! Or worries about "over handling" the pages before we take them back.

Also, we would never be able to take this many books home from the library!
There is a never ending stash of books to read at my finger tips now.

As soon as Jasmine asks to read, I get excited now. 
I had been getting so tired of our books we have. 
Now we get to mix it up -- and the stories are actually mentally stimulating to me, instead of the SAME OLD THING every day.

And since this on-the-compter-book platform is exciting to Jasmine, she asks to read a NEW book when we finish a book, instead of the SAME book that we JUST finished. (Can I tell you how awesome that is? It is AWESOME!)

It gives us something constructive to do with our time, that we both enjoy.
It calms Jasmine down like crazy. (lol. Is that an oxymoron?)
We get sweet calm cuddle time, and we get to imagine things at the same time.

Plus, as a visual, artsy type person, I'm gonna say that they nailed it on the format.
I love to look at it.
When I go to read a book (on my laptop) I can put it in full-screen and it turns into a calm full white background with just the book "setting" on top of that. It gives a tiny shadow around it, so it feels like a book still. And you can just use the arrow button or mouse to flip the page.
(I'm assuming if you were to use a tablet or smartphone it would just automatically go into the full screen mode -- I don't have those devices, so I don't really know.)

How much more wonderful can it get, right?

But ok, no, it does get more wonderful!!

It's name is 
We Give Books...

 Not only does this website bless my family, it is blessing kids around the U.S. and around the world with donated books!
Not only can care givers and educators use this website to read to their class room,
 but as people read online, 
We Give Books donates hard cover and paperback books to schools.

We Give Books also helps some of the world's best, most inspiring, literacy organizations by providing books to the young people these organizations support.

(Just to name a couple)

The more books you read, the more are donated!

And they do other cool stuff like school makeovers or care packages.

Right now, when you finish reading a book, a little box pops up, giving you the option of donating a book in someone' name, and it will send them an email {like this} telling them all about it.

So yeah,
This website is so cool.
You've got to check it out!


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